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Introduction » RUBBERS » Xiom rubber VEGA Pro


Xiom rubber VEGA Pro




our price: 29.7 €

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Product no.: 192
Manufacturer: XIOM
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XIOM introduces a highly durable and strong spin generating tensor rubber, XIOM Vega Asian. Innovative enlarged attack window over the net is a speciality of this German rubber.

The XIOM Vega Asian uses the "hyper elasto" technology and a revolutionary black "carbo sponge" - more power to reveal your skills.

Double lifetime and max durability.

Vega Pro has the deeper and longer ball-dragging feel at impact which reflexes upgraded tensile force of rubber to make more spin rotations. Spin-innovated Vega Pro makes higher and more curved ball-trajectory to create the largest safe-zone (big window) over the net. New black Carbo-Sponge maximized the dynamic efficiency to generate additional energy onto the ball. Accurate response to player's intention also makes more opportunities to lead the rally game. Resilient tensile structure of Vega Pro increases the lifetime of rubber to double.
