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Introduction » RUBBERS » BUTTERFLY - rubber Glayzer 09C


BUTTERFLY - rubber Glayzer 09C




normal price: 44.9 €

our price: 43.0 €

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Product no.: 5371
Manufacturer: BUTTERFLY
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High-Performance rubber combining friction and bounce

Grey Spring Sponge X is applied to Glayzer 09C. Strokes with a stable trajectory are made possible, while combining powerful heavy spin with ease of over-the-table techniques at a high level. It is thanks to the combination of a friction top sheet that provides the High Tension effect and Spring Sponge X with a hardness at 42 degrees. The rubber provides players of wider ranging standards the pleasure of executing top spin strokes with heavy spin, unique to a friction High Tension rubber, as well as decisive counter-attacking play on the table.

Spin: 100
Speed: 98
Control: 80
Hardness: medium-hard
Weight: 0.1 kg