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Introduction » BLADES » DONIC - blade RELEVANT 2020


DONIC - blade RELEVANT 2020




our price: 58.9 €

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Product no.: 4287
Manufacturer: Donic
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DONIC 2020

DONIC RELEVANT - High tensile strength
A completely new blade from China, the land of World Champions. The excellent dynamics of the DONIC RELEVANT are due to the use of Certran, a synthetic fibre used to produce winch launching cables for seaplanes and fishing lines, amongst other things. This material is 15 times stronger than steel in terms of tensile strength. Despite this high level of strength, the finely balanced RELEVANT provides pleasant, non-disruptive vibrations and very good ball feedback. A moderately offensive blade at a moderate price.

Technology: 7 plies made of ayous (core ply), limba (3+5), Certran (2+6) and limba (1+7)
Characteristics: Very comfortable to play with, fast, controlled and with a good feel
Recommended for: Offensive players and allround players that like to attack