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Introduction » RUBBERS » Dr. Neubauer rubber Allround Premium


Dr. Neubauer rubber Allround Premium




our price: 37.7 €

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Product no.: 817
Manufacturer: DR.Neubauer
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The extraordinary Allround-Weapon

This rubber is even better than its namesuggests.

Probably the first disruptive rubber that enables aggressive blockingand even hitting and counter-looping against topspin shots. Take theinitiative and put pressure on your opponent!

ALLROUND PREMIUM also excels at passive shots:
The ball bounces very low and even tends to “dive” on the other side ofthe table, all of this combined with an excellent control.

The disruptive effect even gets further enhanced after a few weeks ofplaying on account of the pimples becoming softer.

This rubber is also a great asset for classical defence since itenables the player to impart any amount of spin while offering awonderful control. This way both heavy chopped balls and float ballscan be performed interchangeably.

The rubber comes with an unusual geometry since the pimples aredistributed vertically. In combination with new rubber components thisproduces an astounding effect, both for the active and for the passivegame.

The best disruptive effect is being obtained with the red version whilethe black coloured rubber offers slightly better attackingpossibilities.

All in all ALLROUND PREMIUM should take an absolute leading positionand turn out to be a highly interesting alternative for all long pimpleplayers.

Available with the following spongethickness choice: OX (no sponge) 0.6, 1.0 and 1.3mm


Colours: Red Black
Sponge: OX - 0.6 - 1.0 - 1.3mm

