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Introduction » RUBBERS » VICTAS - rubber VENTUS STIF






our price: 33.5 €

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Product no.: 4404
Manufacturer: VICTAS
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When designing the VENTUS Stiff, the Japanese rubber experts focused on perfect balance between high speed, maximum spin development and great control. The open-pore 45° sponge of VENTUS Stiff features the “Optimized Rotation Concept” and is truly made for spin. Thanks the sponge design, this development guarantees longer ball contact which results in more rotational energy transfer on the ball. In addition, the higher trajectory resulting from the “Optimized Rotation Concept” provides for great feel and more control in your play. The fast performance top rubber sheet of VENTUS Stiff develops tons of power and tremendous drive both for aggressive opening loops and mid-distance topspin attacks. VENTUS Stiff is a highly balanced offensive rubber offering great value for money.